Wednesday, July 25, 2007

23 things-7 1/2 habits

OK let's see, out of the habits the hardest one for me is to view problems as challenges, Probably because of a slight "I think I can " mentality. I have no problem setting the goals, I have several of those, but come up short of applying time, energy and focus on the ways & means to get there. I'm at "that age" you know....probably another excuse, but most of my efforts are concentrated on my teenage girls, who, if you can relate, run you ragged!
So, here it is, for what it's worth, my first blog, not exciting, but I hope to learn and grow with experience.

1 comment:

Susan G. said...

You're doing great. Your first post actually said something which can't be said for some of the other blogs for this project!

Keep up the great work and have fun with the 23 Things. It is an interesting project.